
Unit 3: World Travel Destinations


  • Teach ESL learners the names of the world’s most iconic structures and the countries in which they are found – Great Wall, Coliseum, Pyramids, Eiffel Tower etc.
  • This English lesson also teaches extreme forms of adjectives, otherwise known as non-gradable adjectives. Learning extreme adjectives will enable learners to further develop their vocabulary.
  • The lesson also teaches the passive voice which is suitable for talking about historical objects and people – Ex. was built, was built by. In the passive voice the object of the sentence receives the action.

Main Lesson Materials & Study Steps

world-travel-destination video lesson

1st –This cartoon animated video features a short dialogue, followed by vocabulary and sentence breakdown. It is essential for introducing the words, phrases, grammar, spelling and sentences of the lesson in context. Watch repeatedly to master the content. The video plays on any device.

world-travel-destination game

2nd – Then the student plays this fun game after watching the video, to practice the contents of the lesson. The game reviews key vocabulary, grammar and sentences from the lessons. This game can be played on any device.

world-travel-destination test

3rd – Finally the learner takes this test of the unit. The score of this test is captured in the LMS and gives educators an idea of how well their learner is doing. The test opens on any device – mobile & PC.

Worksheets for the Unit

The worksheets below are useful for offline and classroom activities. These printable exercises directly correlate with the above lesson 'World Travel Destinations'. Every worksheet comes with an answer sheet on the second page for educators.

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Lesson Story:

Lisa and Bob are reading books about travel in the school library. Lisa is looking for a place she would like to visit. The books provide interesting information about world famous ancient structures. They learn about the ages of iconic constructions like the Great Wall, Coliseum and the Eiffel Tower.


Man-made wonders

Pyramids of Egypt
Great Wall of China
Eiffel Tower of France
Coliseum of Rome
Taj Mahal of India
Terracotta Warriors of China

Extreme Adjectives

old ancient  (very old)
big gigantic (very big)
good wonderful   (very good)
bad terrible  (very bad)
beautiful stunning (very beautiful)

Talking about the Pyramids of Egypt

  • When were the Pyramids of Egypt built?
  • They were built over 5000 years ago.
  • That's ancient!

Talking about the Great Wall

  • When was the Great Wall built?
  • It was built in 200 BC.
  • It's gigantic!

Talking about the Taj Mahal

  • Who was the Taj Mahal built by?
  • It was built by Emperor Shah Jahan.
  • It's stunning!

This lesson is part of the Level 6 English course.

Download Level 6 Course Manual

Get ready to embark on a journey around the world with this exciting English lesson! In this unit, you'll learn about some of the world's most famous landmarks and travel destinations. From the Great Wall of China to the Coliseum in Italy, the Pyramids of Egypt to the Eiffel Tower in France, you'll become a virtual globetrotter as you discover these incredible structures.

But that's not all! You'll also learn about extreme adjectives, which will help you express your thoughts and emotions in a more powerful way. And with the introduction of the passive voice, you'll be able to talk about historical objects and events in a clear and concise way.

By the end of this unit, you'll have expanded your vocabulary, learned about different countries and cultures, and developed important language skills that will help you communicate effectively. So pack your bags and get ready to explore the world with this engaging English lesson!